Sunday, March 27, 2011

Some Of My Practices

this is the pipe out i did for the mains pressure hot water cylinder

 here is a view of my valve train and tempering valve and a view of how i have connected them together.

here is my valve train- 1. wing back 2. non return  3. a 3 in one valve 4. cold water expansion

here i have the cold water expansion and the pressure relief pipes connected to each other because these two pipes constantly discharge water and the water then is discharged to tun dish at the bottom of the safe tray.

over here i have the pressure relief drain pipe connected to the cold water expansion drain and discharging at the tun dish at the bottom of the safe tray.

here is the pipe connecting from the top out let to the tempering valve as hot mixing with the cold 

here is the hot water out let croxed and conected to the tempering valve and also the pressure relief pipe croxed and connected to the cold water expansion pipe discharging out to the drain
here is my low pressure cylinder and me pointing at the pipe coming out from the bottom drain of the cylinder

completion of my low pressure system open vented

Brazing training of all types of joints

my formed 45 degree 15 mm on a 20 mm joint.

a view of how i form the formed joints

some of these photos are proof of what i have learnt from the start of the course.
i have completed a low pressure system  with ease after planning out how to do them. also there is  photos showing what i have learnt about brazing and making different types of joints.

i have more pictures of the other practical i have completed:

this square is made up of copper pipe, sht pipe, and steel pipe.
 steel pipe legnth- 400mm bent at 200mm centre
copper pipe legnth- 400mm bent at 200mm centre also with a 100 mm croxed t joined for air/water testing.
sht pipe legnth- 400mm bent at 200 mm centre wih an elbow

in this picture i have piped out a basin with two separate copper pipes bent at a 45 degree angle for hot water and cold water feeding to the taps.

this part of the rollover stack that i have completed

here is the vent pipe again part of the rollover stack

this also part of the rollover stack

this the rain water head which i have created with sheet metal

 it is soldered and spot welded at the bottom of the head so that there is no marks in the front of it as it will be visible and wont look good


  1. Hello Ali just some thoughts may be using the new video cam for your blog or link the pics together?
    regards jimmy

  2. hey thanks jim.
    i will be making a video of all these photos and ill re post it all again. thanks for the comment.

  3. Good work Iliyas, you certainly have skill there on your Copper jobs.
    Keep up the good practice. And make sure you tidy up after the job is completed.
    Well done.

    Regards Tom Reinhard

  4. Awesome work Ali!! I look forward to finding an apprenticeship for you. :) Lorraine

  5. thanks guys for commenting. thank you lorraine i attended an interview yesterday afternoon and the guy liked my blog alot and i think i got more chances of getting an apprenticeship with him. and i really would love to. hes got an awsome business going on and i want to be part of his team. and make him proud and myself of what i do because this is only just the begining. i still have alot to achieve. but thanking you people isnt enough. thanks guys appreciate it.
